Vimeo Getting started

Getting started

In order to access the Advanced API with Skybrud.Social, you need an instance of VimeoService. This class is your starting point to an object oriented approach to the API.

VimeoService will internally use an instance of VimeoOAuthClient for the raw communication with the Advanced API (VimeoOAuthClient is also used for authentication).

If you just need to access public data in the Advanced API, you can simply initialize a new instance of VimeoOAuthClient with the consumer key and consumer secret of your Vimeo app:

// Initialize a new instance of the OAuth client
VimeoOAuthClient client = new VimeoOAuthClient {
    ConsumerKey = "The consumer key of your app"
    ConsumerSecret = "The consumer secret of your app",

// Initialize a new VimeoService instance based on the OAuth client
VimeoService service = VimeoService.CreateFromOAuthClient(client);

If you need to make calls to the API on behalf of a user, you can also specify an access token and access token secret in addition to the consumer key and consumer secret.

The pages about authentication shows how you can obtain an access token and access token secret of a user.

// Initialize a new instance of the OAuth client
VimeoOAuthClient client = new VimeoOAuthClient {
    ConsumerKey = "The consumer key of your app"
    ConsumerSecret = "The consumer secret of your app",
    Token = "The access token of the user",
    TokenSecret = "The access token secret of the user"

// Initialize a new VimeoService instance based on the OAuth client
VimeoService service = VimeoService.CreateFromOAuthClient(client);

Both the VimeoService and the VimeoOAuthClient classes are located in the Skybrud.Social.Vimeo.Advanced namespace.