Meetup Groups


The Meetup GraphQL API contains an endpoint for getting information about a Meetup group based on the group's URL name. Depending on your GraphQL query, you can request basic information about a group like in the example below:

@using Skybrud.Social.Meetup
@using Skybrud.Social.Meetup.Exceptions
@using Skybrud.Social.Meetup.Models.GraphQl.Groups
@using Skybrud.Social.Meetup.Options.GraphQl
@using Skybrud.Social.Meetup.Responses.GraphQl
@inherits UmbracoViewPage<MeetupHttpService>

@try {
    // Declare the GraphQL query
    string query = @"query($urlname: String!) { groupByUrlname(urlname: $urlname) { id name } }";

    // Make the request to the Meetup GraphQL API
    MeetupGroupResponse response = Model.GraphQl.GetGroupByUrlName(new MeetupGraphQlOptions {
        Query = query,
        Variables = new Dictionary<string, string> {
            {"urlname", "the-london-umbraco-meetup"}

    // Get the group from the response body
    MeetupGroup group = response.Body.Data.GroupByUrlName;

    <div style="padding: 25px;">
        <table class="table details">

} catch (MeetupHttpException ex) {



This example requests the ID and name of the Meetup group with the the-london-umbraco-meetup URL name.

By extending the query, you can request even more information about the group it self, or additional information from one of the group's edges - eg. upcoming events:

@using Skybrud.Social.Meetup
@using Skybrud.Social.Meetup.Exceptions
@using Skybrud.Social.Meetup.Models.GraphQl.Events
@using Skybrud.Social.Meetup.Models.GraphQl.Groups
@using Skybrud.Social.Meetup.Options.GraphQl
@using Skybrud.Social.Meetup.Responses.GraphQl
@inherits UmbracoViewPage<MeetupHttpService>

@try {

    // Declare the GraphQL query
    string query = "query ($urlname: String!) {\r\n" +
        "  groupByUrlname(urlname: $urlname) {\r\n" +
        "    id\r\n" +
        "    name\r\n" +
        "    logo {\r\n" +
        "      id\r\n" +
        "      baseUrl\r\n" +
        "    }\r\n" +
        "    latitude\r\n" +
        "    longitude\r\n" +
        "    description\r\n" +
        "    urlname\r\n" +
        "    timezone\r\n" +
        "    city\r\n" +
        "    state\r\n" +
        "    country\r\n" +
        "    zip\r\n" +
        "    link\r\n" +
        "    joinMode\r\n" +
        "    welcomeBlurb\r\n" +
        "    upcomingEvents(input: {first: 25}) {\r\n" +
        "      count\r\n" +
        "      pageInfo {\r\n" +
        "        endCursor\r\n" +
        "      }\r\n" +
        "      edges {\r\n" +
        "        cursor\r\n" +
        "        node {\r\n" +
        "          id\r\n" +
        "          title\r\n" +
        "          eventUrl\r\n" +
        "          description\r\n" +
        "          shortDescription\r\n" +
        "          howToFindUs\r\n" +
        "          venue {\r\n" +
        "            id\r\n" +
        "            name\r\n" +
        "            address\r\n" +
        "            city\r\n" +
        "            state\r\n" +
        "            postalCode\r\n" +
        "            crossStreet\r\n" +
        "            country\r\n" +
        "            neighborhood\r\n" +
        "            lat\r\n" +
        "            lng\r\n" +
        "            zoom\r\n" +
        "            radius\r\n" +
        "          }\r\n" +
        "          status\r\n" +
        "          dateTime\r\n" +
        "          duration\r\n" +
        "          timezone\r\n" +
        "          endTime\r\n" +
        "          createdAt\r\n" +
        "          eventType\r\n" +
        "          shortUrl\r\n" +
        "          isOnline\r\n" +
        "        }\r\n" +
        "      }\r\n" +
        "    }\r\n" +
        "  }\r\n" +

    // Make the request to the Meetup GraphQL API
    MeetupGroupResponse response = Model.GraphQl.GetGroupByUrlName(new MeetupGraphQlOptions {
        Query = query,
        Variables = new Dictionary<string, string> {
            {"urlname", "the-london-umbraco-meetup"}

    // Get the group from the response body
    MeetupGroup group = response.Body.Data.GroupByUrlName;

    <div style="padding: 25px;">
        <table class="table details">
        @foreach (UpcomingEventsEdge ev in group.UpcomingEvents!.Edges!) {
            <table class="table details">

} catch (MeetupHttpException ex) {

